
Text Tools Blocks

Autorefresh page
Type: js
Categories: Text Tools
Plugins related: Generic

This will insert a block to autorefresh the page every a specified number of seconds. This is useful for page publishing content to cover real time events and in some cases to increase the view of ads into a page.

Reload every the following number of seconds:

* The "Free" blocks are accessible from the plugin, even if it has not been registered, or the license has expired.
Disable Right-click on the Page
Type: js
Categories: Text Tools
Plugins related: Generic

This will insert a script block on the page to disable the mouse right-click menu. This helps to partially prevent users copying content from the page. Note however that doing this isn't user friendly.
* The "Free" blocks are accessible from the plugin, even if it has not been registered, or the license has expired.
Disable Text Selection Hightlighting
Type: js
Categories: Text Tools
Plugins related: Generic

This will insert a style block on the page to disable the text selection hightlighting. This way helps to prevent the users copying text/content from the page. Note however that doing this isn't user friendly.
* The "Free" blocks are accessible from the plugin, even if it has not been registered, or the license has expired.
Display current date
Type: js
Categories: Text Tools
Plugins related: wpcf7

This will insert a script to display the current date on the page.
* The "Free" blocks are accessible from the plugin, even if it has not been registered, or the license has expired.
Lorem Ipsum Generator
Type: html
Categories: Text Tools
Plugins related: Generic

"Lorem Ipsum Generator" inserts a DIV tag with a random text. The text length is defined through the "Enter the number of words" field, 24 words by default.

Enter the number of words:

Insert as many "Lorem ipsum" blocks of texts as you want.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ullamcorper sem purus, a convallis elit placerat a. Mauris maximus tristique sapien at pulvinar. In eu arcu ac tortor vehicula malesuada. Proin non pharetra libero. Sed vitae nisl volutpat, imperdiet augue vitae, elementum dolor.

* The "Free" blocks are accessible from the plugin, even if it has not been registered, or the license has expired.
Text Length
Type: js
Categories: Text Tools
Plugins related: Generic

"Text Length" inserts a javascript block with the textLength routine:


  • text: The text to determine its length.
  • boolean: true or false (1 or 0) for considering the blank characters \s, \t, \r, \n as part of the text or not. 0 by default.


textLength("Lorem ipsum");

Output: 10

textLength("Lorem ipsum",1);

Output: 11

* The "Free" blocks are accessible from the plugin, even if it has not been registered, or the license has expired.
Words Counter
Type: js
Categories: Text Tools
Plugins related: Generic
Requires license*

"Words Counter" inserts a javascript block with the wordsCounter routine:


  • text: Text to check.


wordsCounter("Lorem ipsum");

Output: 2

* The "Requires license" blocks are accessible, only if the plugin has been registered and the license is valid.
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